Burbuja Galactica

Believe it or not...George's not at home.


You think you can just come by, with your cool clothes and trendy ways, settle yourself in and make my life so comfortable, and just when I´m getting the kick of it, leave?!?! I´ve been missing you since the moment you went through those sliding doors this morning. How can I not miss you???

We´ve been connected since that day you first saw me and thought "there´s no way this little bitch´s gonna take my place!"..at first you ignored me, but then you decided you could use my interest to your own advantage, getting me to carry out all of your evil plans. Eventually I reacted and it was war time, but we would always join forces against any common enemy; til this day.

You are the person with the most influence over who I´ve become, and every one who knows me knows that it´s the things I´ve learned from you that I´m most proud of. You´ll never understand how proud you make me be.

I´m sorry miss, but getting to see you just once a year is not enough, it never will be...please come back soon!!

2 Responses to “Lulu”

  1. # Anonymous Anonymous

    Where did you find it? Interesting read »  

  2. # Anonymous Anonymous

    Cool blog, interesting information... Keep it UP »  

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