The joy of small cities relies on many things, among them: the ability to walk every where, or even better, to cycle; ´cause to be honest, at least in Gijon, if you take the bus its out of pure lazziness. Also, prices are always lower, at least for basic expenses like rent, food and entertainment. In small towns, its easier to get away to the mountain or the sea, and to be in touch with nature and sports; and even when you travel to BIG cities, you end up enjoying more and taking more advantage of what it´s got to offer, than the locals do.
In a small city, people still think that being a foreigner makes you interesting, and people tend to be more modest and friendly, although that doesn´t apply to Spanish people (small city or not).
So, as you can see, there are many joys and advantages to a small town....but like Gabs said, you´ll eventually want to go to that ethnic restaurant or that big concert that there´s no way it´ll come by your town, or just wear fancy clothes without looking out of place and get that cosmo feeling........................I wanna move to London!!!!
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